Earth Science 30 Outline

Welcome to the Earth Science 30 course outline for students in Onion Lake. You will find an outline for the course here, however the class is being offered on Google Classroom. Log on to the Google Classroom form with your valid Onion Lake email and register with Mr. Spahich. My email address is below. Your email will most likely be your first initial, followed by last name, I will upload assignments and resources to Google Classroom throughout the course and not on this blog.

Earth Science 30 Course Outline

Eagleview Comprehensive High School

Instructor: Mr. Spahich (

Prerequisite: Environmental Science 20 or Physical Science 20

 Welcome to the Earth Science 30 course! This course examines our planet’s geological origins and the geological timescale as a foundation to guide decision making with regard to the use of its mineral and energy resources, the maintenance and remediation of the environment, and response to geological hazards. This online classroom will enable students to develop visual-spatial reasoning skills and an understanding of the role of various data analysis such as Geographic Information Systems. Students will also explore the historical and contemporary significance of Earth Science and related careers. This online format serves to support students as they explore this course, and come to understand the concepts outlined in the Saskatchewan curriculum for this class. One of the major goals of this course is to help students understand more about the physical world they live in, and investigate how various earth systems interact with one another. The main units will focus on the careers available in the field of Earth Science, foundational understandings of this branch of science, a look at the land around/ underneath us, and a look at the different areas of the atmosphere and its composition. Course Topics: Career Exploration and Self-Directed Study Foundations of Earth Science Lithosphere Atmosphere and Hydrosphere Evaluation: Assignments and Projects 50% Unit Tests and Quizzes 30% Final Exam 20%